Popping crease
Popping \Pop"ping\,
a. & n. from Pop.
[1913 Webster]

Popping crease. (Cricket) See under Crease.
[1913 Webster]
Popping crease
Crease \Crease\, n. [Cf. LG. krus, G. krause, crispness,
krausen, kr[aum]usen, to crisp, curl, lay on folds; or perh.
of Celtic origin; cf. Armor. kriz a wrinkle, crease, kriza to
wrinkle, fold, W. crych a wrinkle, crychu to rumple, ripple,
1. A line or mark made by folding or doubling any pliable
substance; hence, a similar mark, however produced.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Cricket) One of the lines serving to define the limits of
the bowler and the striker.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Lacrosse) The combination of four lines forming a
rectangle inclosing either goal, or the inclosed space
itself, within which no attacking player is allowed unless
the ball is there; -- called also goal crease.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Bowling crease (Cricket), a line extending three feet four
inches on each side of the central strings at right angles
to the line between the wickets.

Return crease (Cricket), a short line at each end of the
bowling crease and at right angles to it, extending toward
the bowler.

Popping crease (Cricket),, a line drawn in front of the
wicket, four feet distant from it, parallel to the bowling
crease and at least as long as the latter. --J. H. Walsh
(Encyc. of Rural Sports).
[1913 Webster]
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